Thursday, June 5, 2008

so i'm pretty bad at updating this thing

Maggie gets bored with her life and likes me to update my blog, however, since i never do, i've informed her to start blogging as me! i wonder if people will be able to tell the difference. not that it really matters because i think we're the only two who actually look at this blog. haha.

so i guess quick update on my super exciting summer. what has julia been doing every day? work and school! oh yes. it's so so much fun (note the sarcasm). some days i just want to shoot myself because i will get 1 phone call in 3 hours. adfkghadkfg.

my weekends havent been too bad though. I went to visit Drew about two weeks ago and we drove to Asheville to see the Biltmore House! It was absolutely gorgeous. All the flowers were in bloom! But, alas, my camera died right when were got there and Drew only took like 4 pictures of the most random things: a flower, a wierd bug that was crawling toward him (and he was freaking out about, HAH!), a picture of the car, and something else, i cant remember. After we visited Jenn in Downtown Asheville! She brought us to Mast and we chatted with an old man who she used to work with for about 45 minutes because he wouldnt shut up. He also told Jenn that he'd take her on a date if she couldnt find one...long story, but still CREEPY.

My sister is graduating a week to be exact. Pretty crazy. I can't believe she's graduating high school. It seems like just yesterday my dad was taking her to elementary school and then dropping me off at middle school in California. I cant believe I moved away from there almost 8 years ago! I've lived 1/3 of my life now in NC! It's so wierd to me. I miss it so much though, I want to go back and visit sooooon!

Two trips that I am super excited about though are my backpacking trips that are coming up in about 3 weeks!!! The first will be 3 days in the Guadalupe Moutains National Park in Texas and then we're doing service across the border in Juarez, Mexico. Except, I am a little nervous about that part seeing as I cant drink the water and currently fighting has broken out between the Drug Cartel and the Police! ahhhhhh! I hope they stop soon! No civilians or visitors have been injured, but still, that is a little scary.

My second trip will be much more backpacking, but a lot less worrying about drug lords fighting with the popo, since I'll be in the Olympic National Park and the Cascades outside of Seattle, Washington!!!!!!! I am so so so so so super excited about this trip. I've ALWAYS wanted to go to the Cascades! It will be GORGEOUS! woot.

Well, I think this post is long and random enough. Does it suit your fancy, Maggen?