Thursday, June 5, 2008

so i'm pretty bad at updating this thing

Maggie gets bored with her life and likes me to update my blog, however, since i never do, i've informed her to start blogging as me! i wonder if people will be able to tell the difference. not that it really matters because i think we're the only two who actually look at this blog. haha.

so i guess quick update on my super exciting summer. what has julia been doing every day? work and school! oh yes. it's so so much fun (note the sarcasm). some days i just want to shoot myself because i will get 1 phone call in 3 hours. adfkghadkfg.

my weekends havent been too bad though. I went to visit Drew about two weeks ago and we drove to Asheville to see the Biltmore House! It was absolutely gorgeous. All the flowers were in bloom! But, alas, my camera died right when were got there and Drew only took like 4 pictures of the most random things: a flower, a wierd bug that was crawling toward him (and he was freaking out about, HAH!), a picture of the car, and something else, i cant remember. After we visited Jenn in Downtown Asheville! She brought us to Mast and we chatted with an old man who she used to work with for about 45 minutes because he wouldnt shut up. He also told Jenn that he'd take her on a date if she couldnt find one...long story, but still CREEPY.

My sister is graduating a week to be exact. Pretty crazy. I can't believe she's graduating high school. It seems like just yesterday my dad was taking her to elementary school and then dropping me off at middle school in California. I cant believe I moved away from there almost 8 years ago! I've lived 1/3 of my life now in NC! It's so wierd to me. I miss it so much though, I want to go back and visit sooooon!

Two trips that I am super excited about though are my backpacking trips that are coming up in about 3 weeks!!! The first will be 3 days in the Guadalupe Moutains National Park in Texas and then we're doing service across the border in Juarez, Mexico. Except, I am a little nervous about that part seeing as I cant drink the water and currently fighting has broken out between the Drug Cartel and the Police! ahhhhhh! I hope they stop soon! No civilians or visitors have been injured, but still, that is a little scary.

My second trip will be much more backpacking, but a lot less worrying about drug lords fighting with the popo, since I'll be in the Olympic National Park and the Cascades outside of Seattle, Washington!!!!!!! I am so so so so so super excited about this trip. I've ALWAYS wanted to go to the Cascades! It will be GORGEOUS! woot.

Well, I think this post is long and random enough. Does it suit your fancy, Maggen?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

here's to your boredom maggen

dancinggirl93 (4:53:50 PM): ffgfhjggfd
sunnymagdalena (4:55:39 PM): whhhat
dancinggirl93 (4:56:20 PM): its an acronym for Food Fights Get Flighty Herod, Just Go Get Fire Dogs
dancinggirl93 (4:56:23 PM): DUH MAGGIE
sunnymagdalena (4:56:31 PM): AHHH I COMPLETELY FORGOT
sunnymagdalena (4:56:38 PM): see if you know this one
sunnymagdalena (4:56:48 PM): suydswnolu
dancinggirl93 (4:57:36 PM): So understand yourself, dwight. sadie wont neatly own lady ugly
sunnymagdalena (4:57:53 PM): nope!!
sunnymagdalena (4:57:54 PM): it
sunnymagdalena (4:57:55 PM): is
sunnymagdalena (4:58:02 PM): shut up you dirty skank whore no one likes you
dancinggirl93 (4:58:35 PM): HAHAHAHAHAH
dancinggirl93 (4:58:44 PM): ykwmihy
dancinggirl93 (4:58:47 PM): whats that one
sunnymagdalena (4:58:54 PM): you know what maggie i hate you?
dancinggirl93 (4:58:58 PM): YES
sunnymagdalena (4:59:13 PM): hahaha
sunnymagdalena (4:59:13 PM): easy

as you can tell, we love eachother.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

sunnymagdalena (10:44:30 PM): did you notice that ginisbetter is online??!
dancinggirl93 (10:44:42 PM): YES haha
sunnymagdalena (10:45:30 PM): hahaha
sunnymagdalena (10:45:31 PM): so awesome
sunnymagdalena (10:45:36 PM): i should totes im him
dancinggirl93 (10:45:44 PM): totes?
dancinggirl93 (10:45:47 PM): totally!
dancinggirl93 (10:45:52 PM): gots it!
sunnymagdalena (10:45:58 PM): :)
sunnymagdalena (10:46:01 PM): lovez it
sunnymagdalena (10:46:05 PM): you said that once
sunnymagdalena (10:46:08 PM): i got it from you haha

wow. we're cool.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

i have strep throat. it sucks. i dont know how i even got it! it just hit me all of a sudden yesterday afternoon.


hopefully i'll be better by the time i go to florida! i think my body is telling me its time for a break to just sit and do nothing for a week!

in the mean time, stay away from me, unless you dont want to be able to swallow.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

i found this as a solace for my venting .

who needs a break from school? I DO.

even though i have not had a lot of school work to do lately, i just feel like i need to get away. i've had this need to get out of raleigh/cary for the past few weeks, and spring break cannot come any slower. i think i'm going to pensacola, florida with my mom and brother, which i believe will completely refresh me because, i have just not wanted to do anything school related lately. i skipped my first two classes this semester in the past week and was ready to skip two more by friday. i have no drive to go to class at all. and it's not that i dont enjoy them either...except for tuesdays and thursdays. I really dont enjoy those at all. COM 240 (research methods...sounds lame, doesnt it?) is the worst possible class ever, and i can't drop it because I have to have it to graduate with a communications degree. PS 231 (international relations) could be interesting if it weren't at 830 am, my teacher
actually taught and didnt just jabber away on useless crap, not covering all the material, and then proceed to tell us we still have our test on tuesday. i mean, what the crap, he's done this two tests in a row where he doesn't cover the last chapter! i almost want to just drop it and take it another semester with another teacher since i have to take this class as well to graduate with a international studies minor.

but you know, me actually having the time to post this means something--my weekend isn't going to be riddled with homework! i have spent the last two weekends doing homework ALL day saturday and ALL day sunday. it has been completely depressing because i have not be able to be outside at all. but today i'm saying screw homework and doing it all tomorrow because I get to have lunch with maggie! hang out with my sister! and go shopping! three things i have not done in an incredibly long time.

end rant.

pensacola is where my brain will be for the next 2 weeks.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

life goals

Some people's goal in life is to make a lot of money, become a CEO, and maybe even a billionaire (because you know, $1 million isn't enough now a days). I think that is sad. We are way to materialistic these days. I always end up watching these shows on VH1, you know with that british guy as the narrator, about the worlds richest heiress's or something about these stuck up brats with so much money they don't even know what to do with it...oh, except for spending it all on clothes they only wear once because god forbid you're seen wearing something twice! or having these lavish vacations on yacht after yacht and not even get off to stop in the ports because they're too good to mingle with the locals. adlkjghakdfhga. it just bothers me. these people could be doing so many more things with their money, and if they hadn't been spoiled all their lives they could possibly see that. (end onto my main point)

if i had the opportunity to win the lottery or inherit say a million dollars the last thing on my mind would be to go on a shopping spree (ok, that may be a lie, maybe just a $1,000 spree) but i would donate a good portion of that money to multiple charities, like Make a Wish Foundation or the World Food Programme. I really have three main goals in life-- To help people in any way that I can, to work for a company that allows me to do that and that I look forward to going to work every day, and to travel the world. Now, because of my career choice/goal, i doubt i will be making very much money, which might hinder my ability to reach my third goal, but i am determined to do it one way or another.

How? Well...I dont know. But i want to. I got this cal
endar for Christmas that has the 100 places you need to visit before you die. I want to go to every single one of those places. The Smithsonian Magazine also write an article on their website about the 28 top places to go..they call it their "Life List." A lot of my top choices are on there like: The Taj Mahal, the Pyramids of Giza, the Great Wall of China, and see the Aurora Borealis

If I posted all the pictures of where I want to go, w
ell, you'd be looking at pictures for a pretty long time. But if I could just take like 2 years off and just travel the world, I would be so happy. Traveling is one of my favorite things to do. I love experiencing different cultures and just seeing natural beautiful landscapes. I think that is why I love Sweden and California so much and why some days I get these feelings that I just have to leave North Carolina to go to Lake Tahoe or Ă…land for a day. I think it is important for everyone in this world, especially the US to just get out of their state and country and just travel somewhere completely foreign to them because it is one of the most amazing experiences. ever.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

this goes one out to maggen

so, i get an IM from maggie this morning, informing me that i MUST start blogging, mainly because she is bored with her life and wants to read what i do with mine...i know. she's a stalker. so maggie. i'm dedicating this blog to you. in other words...if i am not posting enough for you, feel free to starting writing your own posts pretending to be me...since i know how much you want to be me ;)

i guess i'll actually write a blog, since i am already procrastinating from my homework and studying.

the past few days have been absolutely gorgeous. it feels like it is is spring, which makes me really excited, but it's's the first week of february...

all i have wanted to do is play outside! (my german class successfully convinced our teacher to have class outside yesterday...most ballin' shit ever). Today has been one of the better days I have had in a while... except for the whole having class at at 8:30 part and not wanting to get up...I got out of COM 240 45 minutes early, hung out in the brickyard with evan, jennie, and rae rae and listened to the crazy preachers who are telling us we are all going to hell. I really wanted to just walk up to him and start petting his shirt, just the catch him off guard and see what he would do...but alas, i did not. maybe one day. that is my goal before i graduate. after that lovely and entertaining 45 minutes of waiting for le and drew to get out of class, rachel took me and le to kilgore where we got to see rachel's second home! it was pretty exciting. next on the agenda was to eat at case, which was delicious as always, but of course we stayed for too long and rachel missed the bus. its okay though because it's pretty outside! the only down side to today is the fact that i have work and have to do german homework and study for a test. boo.

i guess that is all...i will try to post some more interesting blogs whenever i think of it.

ps- jack johnson's new CD, sleep through the static, is awesome. I highly recommend it.

Introducing Julia's blog!

Hey readers!

I know you are all excited for the debut of Julia's blog. She has lots of things to post about, and I'm sure she will very soon! Check back later for a super-cool update.

Happy reading!