Thursday, February 7, 2008

this goes one out to maggen

so, i get an IM from maggie this morning, informing me that i MUST start blogging, mainly because she is bored with her life and wants to read what i do with mine...i know. she's a stalker. so maggie. i'm dedicating this blog to you. in other words...if i am not posting enough for you, feel free to starting writing your own posts pretending to be me...since i know how much you want to be me ;)

i guess i'll actually write a blog, since i am already procrastinating from my homework and studying.

the past few days have been absolutely gorgeous. it feels like it is is spring, which makes me really excited, but it's's the first week of february...

all i have wanted to do is play outside! (my german class successfully convinced our teacher to have class outside yesterday...most ballin' shit ever). Today has been one of the better days I have had in a while... except for the whole having class at at 8:30 part and not wanting to get up...I got out of COM 240 45 minutes early, hung out in the brickyard with evan, jennie, and rae rae and listened to the crazy preachers who are telling us we are all going to hell. I really wanted to just walk up to him and start petting his shirt, just the catch him off guard and see what he would do...but alas, i did not. maybe one day. that is my goal before i graduate. after that lovely and entertaining 45 minutes of waiting for le and drew to get out of class, rachel took me and le to kilgore where we got to see rachel's second home! it was pretty exciting. next on the agenda was to eat at case, which was delicious as always, but of course we stayed for too long and rachel missed the bus. its okay though because it's pretty outside! the only down side to today is the fact that i have work and have to do german homework and study for a test. boo.

i guess that is all...i will try to post some more interesting blogs whenever i think of it.

ps- jack johnson's new CD, sleep through the static, is awesome. I highly recommend it.

1 comment:

MagAttacksYou said...

Thanks for this post!

And you WOULD want to pet someone. Freak!