Saturday, February 16, 2008

i found this as a solace for my venting .

who needs a break from school? I DO.

even though i have not had a lot of school work to do lately, i just feel like i need to get away. i've had this need to get out of raleigh/cary for the past few weeks, and spring break cannot come any slower. i think i'm going to pensacola, florida with my mom and brother, which i believe will completely refresh me because, i have just not wanted to do anything school related lately. i skipped my first two classes this semester in the past week and was ready to skip two more by friday. i have no drive to go to class at all. and it's not that i dont enjoy them either...except for tuesdays and thursdays. I really dont enjoy those at all. COM 240 (research methods...sounds lame, doesnt it?) is the worst possible class ever, and i can't drop it because I have to have it to graduate with a communications degree. PS 231 (international relations) could be interesting if it weren't at 830 am, my teacher
actually taught and didnt just jabber away on useless crap, not covering all the material, and then proceed to tell us we still have our test on tuesday. i mean, what the crap, he's done this two tests in a row where he doesn't cover the last chapter! i almost want to just drop it and take it another semester with another teacher since i have to take this class as well to graduate with a international studies minor.

but you know, me actually having the time to post this means something--my weekend isn't going to be riddled with homework! i have spent the last two weekends doing homework ALL day saturday and ALL day sunday. it has been completely depressing because i have not be able to be outside at all. but today i'm saying screw homework and doing it all tomorrow because I get to have lunch with maggie! hang out with my sister! and go shopping! three things i have not done in an incredibly long time.

end rant.

pensacola is where my brain will be for the next 2 weeks.

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